You can't criticize an anointed without divine retribution. Your screenshot has been banned by the higher powers.
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Obedience At Its Blindest
by Nevuela injust a little something my "anointed" roommate posted on facebook a few months ago, along with replies from her fellow jws.
it was chilling to read, so i took a screenshot and saved it for future reference.
please feel free to share your own stories of blind obedience within the org.
never a jw
Hello Folks
by Tallon ina newbie here, joined about half an hour ago.
i started the fade about 10 years ago and have been totally inactive for about 3 years.
the reason being was that i became totally disillusioned.
never a jw
Can an atheist date jw?
by concernCitizen inhey everyone!.
first of all, i'm not a jw, in fact i'm an atheist, or if you really want to be technical about it i'm probably something like an agnostic atheist or something.. but, my girlfriend is a jw, she seems very rational about it though, it seems to me that she believes in a lot of it but not exactly all, for instance she does understands and believes in the scientific age of the earth and evolution.. when we started dating almost a year ago she made it clear she as religious person.
i never saw that as a problem, it's not like i'm trying to convert her or she's trying to convert me.
never a jw
I have been a non believer all my life and married a JW 22 years ago. She is still in the organization and I am very much against it. We have a happy family where both have had a say. She planted the religion, and I planted the desire for higher education in our children's mind. In retrospect, had I known this religion better 15 years ago, I would have never allowed the indoctrination.
These are different times. Information for you and your girlfriend is available everywhere. Use it. It will help make better decisions and plan your future better.
The main thing is that you research all you can about this religion and how it can affect your long term relationship with your girlfriend. If I can summarize it in few words, then: BE VERY CAUTIOUS
Three graphs in connection with the Watch Tower's current financial situation
by slimboyfat ina number of public statements by the governing body indicate that they are experiencing financial difficulty and they have appealed to jws to donate more money.
public information on the financial situation of the watchtower society is limited.
but what does the information they do publish indicate about their situation?
never a jw
Maybe increased medical costs etc
I think you are onto something. Apostates, pedophile cases, and medical costs may be Watchtower's biggest problems. Paying attention to inflation by sector, medical cost has by far increased faster than anything else.
Three graphs in connection with the Watch Tower's current financial situation
by slimboyfat ina number of public statements by the governing body indicate that they are experiencing financial difficulty and they have appealed to jws to donate more money.
public information on the financial situation of the watchtower society is limited.
but what does the information they do publish indicate about their situation?
never a jw
More money spent in spite of significant reduction of branches and "personnel". Looks like a scam.
Fooled me once--twice---ain't gonna happen thrice
by eyeuse2badub infooled me once---shame on you!
fooled me twice---shame on me!
fooled me thrice---ain’t gonna ever happen!.
never a jw
A blatant catch 22 of the JW
A requisite to be promoted to elder is to be an exemplary family man,
and to become an exemplary elder you have to be a lousy family man. So you would expect elders to be demoted at this point so they can be exemplary family man again and start the cycle all over, but nooo. The Watchtower does not want to get into a vicious circle so they ignore the obvious problem, and they might as well say "Be loyal to the WT in spite of your family"
I conclude evolution is guided
by KateWild inyour qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
never a jw
If I may add an unrelated comment.
I like the new Vivian. I haven't given as many "likes" to one person as I have today.
I conclude evolution is guided
by KateWild inyour qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
never a jw
Given our knowledge of every phenomena around us, the only way God can be inserted in the whole thing is, as others have said it already, is the God who created the laws of Physics. And if he has any role after that, he is making sure that they are not violated. Everything else, including suffering and evolution, is subject to those inviolable laws. Thank God for the consistency and therefore the predictability of phenomena.
Paranormal Warning
by Cold Steel ini've heard some weird stories coming from jws about the paranormal.
i know about the warnings about items that come from unbelievers -- those don't interest me as much.
what i am interested in are actual experiences in stories of the paranormal you've heard or experienced yourself.
never a jw
Never had any paranormal experience, but I know plenty of normal looking JW's who claim that they purchased second hand clothes and when they brought it home the demons/spirits/ghosts haunted the house. When they got rid of the clothes the problem was solved.
My JW nephew claims that he heard noises and furniture moving in his bedroom during the night that he borrowed a Harry Potter book from a friend.
I conclude evolution is guided
by KateWild inyour qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
never a jw
Why should we suppose our view of reality is more truthful than a dolphin for example?
who cares about absolute "truth", whatever that means to you. The dolphin is not likely to travel to the moon, or experience roller coaster thrills, or have humans jump out of the water to entertain an audience full of dolphins. Sure, the life of a dolphin must be interesting, but it's no match for the myriad of possibilities available to humans. This business of truth/false should be approached as a practical matter that provides a common frame of reference to settle our disagreements.